Amendments to access agreements 2008-09
2 August 2007
To: Principal contact for OFFA / Managers responsible for access agreements
Dear colleague
On 5 July 2007 the Department for Innovation, University and Skills (DIUS) announced changes to student finance including substantial increases to threshold levels for the maintenance grant for students entering higher education from September 2008. The documents below set out OFFA’s guidance on reviewing access agreements following this announcement.
Amendments to access agreements 2008-09 (downloadable pdf version)
Annex A (downloadable Word version)
Annex B (downloadable Excel version)
New or revised agreements and financial returns should be sent to as soon as possible but no later than 31 October 2007. We will assess and approve amended versions on a rolling basis and will aim to issue approval within four weeks of receipt.
Full details of the support changes are available in SSIN 08/01 on the DCSF website.
If you have any queries about the process for submitting a new or revised access agreement please contact Jean Arnold, or Richard Smith, or tel. 0117 931 7171.