
Access agreement monitoring for 2008/09

Your monitoring return for the academic year 2008/09 will be due in December 2009. At the same time, you will need to submit your first progress report against your new Widening Participation Strategic Assessment (this must be submitted to the Higher Education Funding Council).

As usual, we will issue guidance well in advance to enable you to complete your monitoring return. In the meantime, you will clearly want to monitor your progress internally to inform any decisions you make about revising your access agreement.

Download our most recent monitoring guidance

If you are new to monitoring, you may wish to take a look at our previous monitoring guidance. There are two versions of the guidance we issued for 2007/08 monitoring – one for HEIs and one for FECs and SCITT providers. We will publish guidance for your 2008-09 monitoring returns in September 2009.

Download our most recent monitoring outcomes report (for 2007-08)