Information for:

Annual update of SCITT access agreements (2011-12 academic year)

Dear Colleagues

Each year we ask SCITT providers that charge variable fees to confirm the fees they will charge and any bursaries they will offer trainees for the coming academic year.

We now require you to answer the following questions for your 2011-12 trainees:

  1. what will your tuition fee be in 2011-12?
  2. will you offer a bursary for trainees from lower income or other under-represented groups in 2011-12? If so what will the value and eligibility be?

If you wish to increase your fee beyond inflation (2.7 per cent), or change your existing bursary commitments, please also include an amended access agreement. Your current access agreement can be found at

We need to confirm your fee levels with the Student Loans Company for the Student Finance England service for 2011-12 – therefore please respond to this email no later than 7 February 2011.

If you have any enquiries please call us on 0117 931 7171 or email

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