31 March 2006
To: Principal contact for OFFA / Managers responsible for access agreements
Dear Colleague
1) The Student Loans Company (SLC) has alerted OFFA to a possible planning need concerning the timing of bursary payments. We are therefore issuing the following guidance to all institutions:
OFFA guidance
2) We know that some institutions will have made commitments in their access agreements to pay bursaries and scholarships in the first term of the academic year. However, we understand that institutions were asked to submit their access agreements before the detail of the SLC processes was known.
3) Payment of a tuition fee loan is based on a student being confirmed in attendance at an institution on 1 December each year. The Attendance Confirmation Report (ACR) acts as the trigger for the SLC to pay institutions (in two instalments – February and May) the amount of money borrowed by the student for the purpose of paying their course fee.
4) Some institutions may have significant cash flow and risk issues around paying bursaries and scholarships ahead of confirmation of fee payment by the SLC. We are also aware that some institutions feel that, on reflection, delaying payment into the second term/semester will provide students with an injection of funding at a time when extra financial help will be of most benefit.
5) We consider the payment dates of bursaries and scholarships to be a matter for institutions to determine as they see fit, and not as a material issue for access agreements. Therefore, if institutions wish to change the payment dates of bursaries or scholarships (including any mandatory elements) we would be happy for them to do so. This applies to the 2006-07 intake as well as subsequent years.
6) We will not require institutions to amend access agreements in relation to payment dates, although we would expect reference to any changes in the annual report to OFFA. However, due to the public nature of the access agreements there may be some instances where institutions decide to submit revisions to maintain accuracy and avoid possible confusion.*
7) Institutions will of course need to manage the expectations of any prospective students by making clear any changes to previously advertised payment dates (for example on web sites, and in any correspondence with applicants such as welcome packs).
8) For further information contact OFFA enquiries tel. 0117 931 7171 or email enquiries@offa.org.uk
Yours sincerely
David Barrett
Assistant Director
Office for Fair Access
* Revisions to access agreements should be submitted to accessagreements@offa.org.uk with the changes shown in track changes.