Comments on: HEFCE and OFFA get green light for closer collaboration on widening participation and fair access Office for Fair Access Mon, 30 Jul 2012 10:36:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: OFFA» Archive » Universities and colleges increase outreach spend, finds OFFA OFFA» Archive » Universities and colleges increase outreach spend, finds OFFA Wed, 04 Jul 2012 07:46:59 +0000 [...] The report also gives the findings of HEFCE’s monitoring of widening participation strategic assessments (WPSAs). In June 2009 HEFCE received WPSAs from all institutions that it funds with more than 100 (full-time equivalent) directly funded student places. WPSAs set out the position of widening participation (WP) in institutions’ missions and their strategic aims and objectives for WP. BIS Ministers recently asked OFFA and HEFCE to develop a shared strategy on access and retention. For more information, see our response to the request.  [...] [...] The report also gives the findings of HEFCE’s monitoring of widening participation strategic assessments (WPSAs). In June 2009 HEFCE received WPSAs from all institutions that it funds with more than 100 (full-time equivalent) directly funded student places. WPSAs set out the position of widening participation (WP) in institutions’ missions and their strategic aims and objectives for WP. BIS Ministers recently asked OFFA and HEFCE to develop a shared strategy on access and retention. For more information, see our response to the request.  [...]

By: OFFA» Archive » More evidence needed on fair access and retention, says OFFA OFFA» Archive » More evidence needed on fair access and retention, says OFFA Thu, 28 Jun 2012 09:01:32 +0000 [...] selectivity, says the report. This, and future analysis and good practice, will form part of a coherent strategy on access and student success with the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). OFFA also intends to develop its [...] [...] selectivity, says the report. This, and future analysis and good practice, will form part of a coherent strategy on access and student success with the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). OFFA also intends to develop its [...]
