Information for:

Revising your access agreement

Access agreements are now approved on an annual basis and we would not normally expect you to make in-year changes once the application cycle is under way. 

However, 2012-13 is a transition year and this means you have had to revise your access agreement for a number of reasons including those outlined below.

Including initial teacher training (ITT) students in your 2012-13 access agreement

In February 2012 we published guidance on how to include ITT students in your 2012-13 access agreement. This followed approval of the funding arrangements for such courses. The deadline for ITT providers who want to charge ITT students fees above the basic level of £6,000 to submit an amended 2012-13 access agreement to us was 30 March 2012.

Including part-time students in your 2012-13 access agreement

Parliament has now approved the regulations bringing part-time students under our remit. We therefore issued guidance on how to include part-time students in your 2012-13 access agreement in our guidance on drawing up an access agreement for 2013-14, which is available on our Publications page.