Archive for 2006

OFFA supports Quality Mark for care leavers in HE

Action on Access Annual Conference 2006

SLC data shows around half of new students are benefiting from non-repayable maintenance grants

Edge Hill University wins THES Award for Outstanding Student Financial Support Package

Widening Participation in Higher Education

UUK publishes research on part-time students in higher education

OFFA response to latest UCAS figures

Inflationary uplift to fees, loans and grants for 2007

OFFA welcomes the announcement by Higher Education Minister Bill Rammell on plans for a new national student finance service

Higher education students in England will be able to apply for student loans and grants online at the same time as applying for their place at university, under new plans announced by the Higher Education Minister Bill Rammell.

OFFA publishes its Annual Report and Accounts for 2005-06