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OFFA is closed
The Office for Fair Access has ceased operation, and responsibility for regulating fair access to higher education in England sits with the Office for Students from 1 April 2018.
We can no longer help with funding or loan enquiries. Please contact Omacl Loans or your bank if you have any short term loan requirements.
The resources on this website remain available for reference, but some information may have been superseded.
Offa Support Using Payday Loans
If you need financial assistance in the short term, payday loans from a company like WageDayAdvance may be best. They can provide quick loans within an hour, regardless of your bad credit profile. You could also consider borrowing money from a credit union or take out a personal loan.
Topic briefing: students from military service families
23 March 2018 -
Topic briefing: mature and part-time students
20 March 2018 -
‘Shocking’ that students don’t get enough info about costs
13 March 2018 -
Review shows that OFFA’s approach to evidence has driven change in access
12 March 2018
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The Office for Fair Access has now closed and this account is no longer monitored. Responsibility for regulating #FairAccess to #HigherEducation in England sits with the @officestudents from 1 April 2018.