Information for:

Steve McArdle

Member, OFFA Advisory Group

Appointed September 2014

Steve McArdle is Assistant Head at Durham Johnston Comprehensive School, responsible for post-16 education. He is a member of Council for the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) which he has represented in a number of specialist post-16 roles including higher education admissions, and he is Vice Chair of ASCL’s Post-16 and Higher Education Committee. He is also Co-chair of the Secondary Education Advisory Group at UCAS and ASCL representative on the steering group for Supporting Professionalism in Admissions.

Registered interests

Organisation in which interest exists

Nature of interest

Association of School and College Leaders

Member, Council
Vice-Chair of post-16 and higher education committees


Co-chair, Secondary Education Advisory Group

Supporting Professionalism in Admissions

Member, Steering Group