Comments on: Find an access agreement Office for Fair Access Mon, 13 Nov 2017 13:39:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Student Finance - The Basics | The Code Word Mon, 05 Sep 2016 08:32:20 +0000 […] you would like to examine what a particular university is offering, universities publish this in an access agreement before the beginning of each academic year.  Be warned they are tricky and complicated to […]

By: OFFA» Archive » Celebrating ten years of access agreements Mon, 15 Jun 2015 12:10:48 +0000 […] ten years since OFFA approved the first access agreements for English higher education. In those ten years access agreements have supported and encouraged […]

By: It’s hard to market a university and make it accessible to all | The Access Observatory Blog Tue, 17 Mar 2015 12:05:34 +0000 […] have to account for their efforts by submitting an annual Access Agreement to the office for approval. In these agreements they must specify how increased fees will support […]

By: Are top universities really 'not a destination for many schools?' Fri, 06 Feb 2015 17:05:06 +0000 […] to education. Any university planning to charge more than £6,000 a year has to sign an “access agreement” requiring them to spend around a quarter of the income raised on supporting poorer students […]

By: Preview: My report to Senate 15 Oct Wed, 04 Feb 2015 13:35:50 +0000 […] Scholarship Programme support to all institutions. The current Access Agreement is available at: Reporting to HEFCE and OFFA has been streamlined to avoid duplication of […]

By: OFFA» Archive » Clearing figures show importance of information, advice and guidance Thu, 31 Jul 2014 10:04:16 +0000 […] Find an access agreement […]

By: Danny’s Blog: The Magic and Myth in Widening Access | The Future Generation Tue, 19 Nov 2013 10:01:10 +0000 […] from deprived areas at all!  It will soon become quite clear just how effective the impact of access agreements will be and how they will change attitudes towards state school students and those from ethnic […]

By: 5 questions on contextual data and the race for admission | Universities UK blogUniversities UK blog Tue, 06 Aug 2013 13:45:43 +0000 […] I would say not. Contextual data is used mostly around the margins and always in combination with a range of other criteria – with past achievement being the most important factor. Applicants and teachers can read about the policies of different universities in their admissions policies and Access Agreements. […]

By: OFFA» Archive » Universities get smarter in their approach to fair access Thu, 11 Jul 2013 06:38:39 +0000 […] Find an access agreement […]

By: The OFFA Explained | Tuition fees and student loans Thu, 04 Apr 2013 23:32:22 +0000 […] HEFCE in terms that it also gives multiple statistics on university expenditure. The OFFA monitors access agreements of those universities in the UK who charge higher fee rates and help to improve them for the […]
