Guidance notes archive (2009)
This is our archive of all the guidance notes we have issued to institutions. Please be aware that we may have updated our guidance since issuing a note. For up to date information and guidance, see our Guidance and useful information section.
Thursday, October 15th, 2009
Inflationary increases and updating access agreements for 2010-11 (SCITTs only)
All SCITTs must confirm their fee limits, bursaries and eligibility thresholds for 2010-11 with OFFA by 30 October 2009
Thursday, July 23rd, 2009
Changes to the minimum bursary, inflationary increases and updating access agreements for 2010-11 (HEIs and FECs)
Wednesday, June 10th, 2009
Timetable for submission of access agreements 2010-11