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Public complaints

Institutions are required under legislation to publish their access agreements so they will be accessible to students and the wider public. If you have concerns that an institution is not delivering what it set out in its access agreement, for example bursaries and other financial support is not available at the stated level, then your complaint should in the first instance be taken up with the institution concerned. If an unsatisfactory response is received, then complaints may be brought to OFFA's attention.

Student complaints

The content and teaching of courses and admissions criteria are matters for institutions themselves and are not in OFFA's remit. Student complaints must first go through normal complaints procedures at the institutions concerned.

If students are still not satisfied then complaints can be taken to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education which provides an independent scheme for the review of student complaints and appeals. This new service is free to students.

Prospective students

Complaints by prospective students concerning admissions to institutions need to be taken through the complaints and appeals procedures for the institutions concerned.

Last updated 27 January 2005