Press Releases for 2016

The list below shows you all our press releases, and comments on other sector releases for the year selected.
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OFFA welcomes ‘name-blind’ applications trial

2017-18 access agreements: tough negotiation yields increased commitment

“Shocking gaps” in outcomes must be addressed – OFFA comment on HEFCE report

A level results: OFFA welcomes 7 per cent increase in university entrants from disadvantaged backgrounds

OFFA respond to UCAS report on perceptions of higher education

Higher Education and Research Bill – OFFA respond to second reading

OFFA comment on move of higher education to Department for Education

New report shows increased evaluation of access agreement activities and programmes

OFFA launches project to research the impact of outreach

OFFA comment on UCAS equality data reports

Universities must consider how best to support Black and Minority Ethnic students – OFFA comment on the 2016 Student Academic Experience Survey

Comment on University Alliance ‘Supporting Thriving Communities’ report

OFFA comment on higher education White Paper

Acting upon low participation of young white men from disadvantaged backgrounds “crucial” – OFFA

OFFA publishes outcomes of access agreement monitoring for 2014-15

OFFA comment on Institute for Fiscal Studies report on graduate earnings

OFFA responds to Social Market Foundation Widening Participation report 

OFFA comment on HESA 2014-15 non-continuation PIs

OFFA comment on BIS Committee teaching excellence inquiry

OFFA comment on HEPI teaching excellence report

New Ministerial guidance issued to Director of Fair Access to Higher Education

OFFA comment on HESA widening participation performance indicators

People from disadvantaged backgrounds more likely than ever to apply to higher education

OFFA responds to Prime Minister’s comments on fair access

OFFA comment on UCAS Progression Pathways report

Further decline in part-time student numbers “deeply worrying” – Les Ebdon