Comments on: Quick facts Office for Fair Access Mon, 13 Nov 2017 13:39:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: There has been a massive drop in the number of mature students studying at UK universities – OU News Tue, 03 Oct 2017 15:13:42 +0000 […] access to higher education for school pupils. By 2018 universities are predicted to spend £170m on outreach activities aimed at children of school age. Groups traditionally under-represented at university have been specifically targeted in a bid to […]

By: A toolkit to encourage more ambitious access agreements - Efficiency Exchange Tue, 19 Sep 2017 09:08:33 +0000 […] are spent annually by universities on outreach activities aimed at school pupils. It has been difficult to find robust evaluative evidence that this money is spent efficiently or […]

By: There has been a massive drop in the number of mature students studying at UK universities | StuntFM 97.3 Wed, 13 Sep 2017 00:01:21 +0000 […] access to higher education for school pupils. By 2018 universities are predicted to spend £170m on outreach activities aimed at children of school age. Groups traditionally under-represented at university have been specifically targeted in a bid to […]

By: There has been a massive drop in the number of mature students studying at UK universities – Gadgets In Nepal Tue, 12 Sep 2017 15:34:33 +0000 […] access to higher education for school pupils. By 2018 universities are predicted to spend £170m on outreach activities aimed at children of school age. Groups traditionally under-represented at university have been specifically targeted in a bid to […]

By: There has been a massive drop in the number of mature students studying at UK universities | Wikipedia Editors Tue, 12 Sep 2017 14:36:24 +0000 […] access to higher education for school pupils. By 2018 universities are predicted to spend £170m on outreach activities aimed at children of school age. Groups traditionally under-represented at university have been specifically targeted in a bid to […]

By: EMWPREP | OFFA calls for transformational change in fair access to higher education Fri, 11 Aug 2017 14:33:12 +0000 […] The Office for Fair Access (OFFA) has highlighted the need for much greater progress on improving access to higher education for people from under-represented groups, in a briefing on the current biggest issues in fair access in England, published today [Thursday 10 August 2017]. Read More […]

By: Most graduates will never pay off their student loans : Bude and Beyond – Be Informed Mon, 10 Jul 2017 12:47:18 +0000 […] minister Jo Johnson is doubling down on current policy, arguing disadvantaged young people are now 43% more likely to go to university than in 2010 and that abolishing tuition fees would cost taxpayers an additional £100bn by 2025. […]

By: Most graduates will never pay off their student loans | StuntFM 97.3 Mon, 10 Jul 2017 00:03:58 +0000 […] minister Jo Johnson is doubling down on current policy, arguing disadvantaged young people are now 43% more likely to go to university than in 2010 and that abolishing tuition fees would cost taxpayers an additional £100bn by 2025. […]

By: Most graduates will never pay off their student loans | Wikipedia Editors Fri, 07 Jul 2017 11:33:45 +0000 […] minister Jo Johnson is doubling down on current policy, arguing disadvantaged young people are now 43% more likely to go to university than in 2010 and that abolishing tuition fees would cost taxpayers an additional £100bn by 2025. […]

By: Most graduates will never pay off their student loans – Gadgets In Nepal Fri, 07 Jul 2017 11:32:20 +0000 […] minister Jo Johnson is doubling down on current policy, arguing disadvantaged young people are now 43% more likely to go to university than in 2010 and that abolishing tuition fees would cost taxpayers an additional £100bn by 2025. […]
