Useful links

Help if you’ve left local authority care

Buttle UK gives grants to care leavers and other students in financial need. It has also awarded a Quality Mark to universities that ‘go that extra mile to support students who have been in public care’. The website lists which universities and colleges have the Quality Mark and has a wealth of other information for young people who are/have been in care and are considering higher education.

Regardless of whether a university or college has the Quality Mark, it’s worth checking their website to see if they offer a care leaver’s bursary or other tailored support.

Shelter and The Careleavers Association also offer information for care leavers. 

If you have spent time in care, you can apply for a £2,000 bursary from your local authority

Managing your money

PUSH (describes itself as ‘the ruthlessly independent guide to UK universities’) includes a Student Money section.

BrightsideUNIAID Interactive games and budget calculators designed to give you a taster of university life and budgeting.

NUS ‘Money and Funding’ section offers advice and information on juggling your finances.

Pure Potential – an independent organisation that helps state-educated students with student finance, Ucas forms and career choices.

Which? University The consumer organisation’s website for students and parents of students has lots of articles on what support you can expect to get and how to get it, plus information and advice about student finance, budgeting, how much to expect to spend, etc.

Ucas – the body that deals with your university and college applications. Its website has a student finance section with advice on managing your money and a handy budget calculator.

Please be aware that we are not responsible for the accuracy of external websites.